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On Wednesday 17th May, The Theo Paphitis Charitable Trust held its annual Charity Clay Shoot, this year in aid of charity partners Starlight Children’s FoundationHideout Youth Zone and CoppaFeel!

The event, held at the prestigious Purdey at Royal Berkshire Shooting School, was attended by over a hundred guests from some of the UK’s leading brands, all of whom were invited by successful retail entrepreneur Theo Paphitis and the Theo Paphitis Charitable Trust.

The day included a morning of clay pigeon shooting, a sumptuous 3-course lunch, a sought-after auction and many other fun fundraising activities.

The Theo Paphitis Charitable Trust were delighted to share that the final figure raised on the day was £70,000, which will be split equally between the three deserving charities.

Theo Paphitis, on behalf of the Paphitis Charitable Trust said:

“We are immensely grateful for the kindness and generosity of all those who attended and made the day such a success. I’m absolutely delighted that we were able to raise £70,000 for three deserving charities and know that this day will help so many through the funds raised. By pulling together we can achieve incredible results and I thank everyone who contributed to the day.”

Cathy Gilman, CEO, Starlight Children’s Foundation said:

“We had a wonderful day at the TPRG charity shoot and are thrilled that it raised such an impressive figure, thanks to the generosity of Theo, the TPRG group and everyone who came. The money raised will make a life-changing difference to sick children by helping them to experience the power of play through their treatment, care and recovery. We’ll help make scary hospitals feel welcoming, safe and a good place to thrive and play and provide health play specialists in hospitals and hospices with the toys, arts and crafts and resources they need to organize playful activities for children and their families. Play is a way to make sure that patients can become children again and that’s why we shouldn’t underestimate the transformational power of play.”

HideOut Youth Zone’s Director of Fundraising & Communications, Patti Holmes, said:

“We are grateful to everyone who attended this amazing event and the support shown to these great charities. Money raised for HideOut Youth Zone will help us continue our work to provide young people with somewhere safe to go, something positive to do and someone trusted to talk to. We’re thankful that Theo and his team choose to invest in the future of East Manchester – the place where Theo spent his own childhood – and help us provide young people with new experiences, skills for life and the opportunity to have fun along the way.”

Jenna Chick, CoppaFeel! Partnerships Manager said:

“CoppaFeel! exists to give all young people the best chance of surviving breast cancer, by ensuring that every case is diagnosed early. Breast cancer can affect anybody no matter your age, gender or background therefore knowing your body can save your life. The generosity of the Theo Paphitis Charitable Trust at such an incredible event has meant that attendees’ donations will allow us to spread our chest-checking (and life-saving!) message to more young people across the UK. A huge thank you to everyone who attended and took part; you’re helping us to shift the dial to give agency to 18-24-year-olds, and help change the outcomes for many people.”

Find out more about supporting HideOut Youth Zone by clicking here.